Vyjadrenia k situácii na Slovensku dnes v Európskom parlamente
Európsky parlament |MM| Vedenie EP a lídri politických skupín spustili písomnú procedúru, v rámci ktorej rozhodnú, či vyšlú delegáciu na Slovensko v súvislosti s vraždou novinára J. Kuciaka. Uverejňujeme link aj s prepisom vyjadrení v angličtine na túto tému, ktoré odzneli dnes v pléne z úst Manfreda Webera (EPP), Uda Bullmana (S/D), Svena Giegolda (Zelení/EFA) a predsedu EP Antonia Tajaniho:
SOUNDBITE (German), Manfred WEBER (EPP, DE),
You’ve mentioned something about the killing of the Slovak journalist today. Today in the European media we are starting to see new facts emerging. Following Malta following Slovakian, unfortunately 2 journalists who pressing for freedom of expression have been murdered. I’m asking for urgency because there is no CoP (Conference of Presidents) meeting this week and so I think we as the Parliament want to express our view that there should be an independent investigation in Slovakia, that facts come to light to achieve some impartial knowledge on what’s going on.
00:00:41 SOUNDBITE (German), Udo BULLMANN (S&D, DE),
I think that this Parliament - and here I’m speaking on behalf of my group - is the right place to look at issues of killings of journalists and I think we have to look into this in-depth and this is why we would like to make sure that once the state of play and the knowledge of facts allows and I think this meets with the consensus of the group - that we do move on with that.
00:01:17 SOUNDBITE (English), Sven GIEGOLD (Greens/EFA, DE),
Parliament has taken tough action when this happens in Malta and we have to do the upmost to do the same also when this happens in the Slovak Republic and therefore I support the suggestion of Mr Weber to send an Ad hoc mission to Slovakia and also use this to do with the mandate of the Conference of Presidents.
00:01:43 SOUNDBITE (Italian), Antonio TAJANI, EP President,
I’m convinced that press freedoms are not a matter of right, left or centre. Freedom of the press is a fundamental value for the entire European Union and that must apply to all governments, of whatever political persuasion , and whatever political hue.
00:01:59 SOUNDBITE (Italian), Antonio TAJANI, EP President,
I want to inform you that three people were arrested, Italian nationals, residents in Slovakia. The problem is now to establish who the actual perpetrators and also to tighten the rope, as in the case of Caruana Galizia . I would stress this point. It’s not possible to lecture others if we do not look and search at home as well. This will be a written procedure so that the groups and able them to express and their views, their desires, so than a delegation of members can be sent as quickly as possible.
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